In The Beginning
I came from a generation of laughter,
while night faded the flames
freeing the moon from its silence,
flowing with dreams, dewlike
hopes, singing in tenor, voices rising
from the ashes of a moment
before hearts felt the rhythmic trembling,
bleeding through the colors,
crisp, clean ivory and sunburst joy
believing the moments were healed,
blessed by grace…
amusement was relieved by the notes,
softly playing in the background
We know faith, sympathizing
with memories, stirring awake,
feelings, blessings who save –
needless to say, they save the souls
who hear beneath the laughter,
the chill of a breathless kindness,
grace fills and heals, fulfills…
laughter abides in the heart who hears,
gentle tears, quiet fears
sensitive prayers never fail to believe
wherever we go, whatever we know,
we can abide in the grace that never lies,
grace that defies the darkest time,
grace that decides – love is alive – His love,
it invites the soul to survive the fury of a past,
where lonely might suggest…
grief has never left, grief is the shadow’s relief,
grief is pierced by faith, colored by prayers,
left to die on the bedside of grace,
where life knows the music of peace,
the beautiful that comes from believing,
He is everlasting – He is the reason…
Laughter won’t die when it sees beneath the colors,
Into the spirit of a love that never worries
Because it is this love that prevails over all others –
This love, it is His design – His wonderful
Shining like Sonshine, defeating all the worst that comes,
Rising through the darkest night, defeating the fears,
Reassuring with love that will never be overpowered,..
It is the risen love from a life that crushed satan and delivered me…
From the worst that is – the worst despair,
The darkness of an eternity without His love…
Because of this love, this man who saved my soul,
I know what it means to let go of suspicion,
To believe without hesitation – to agree, His gift of grace,
Is more marvelous than anything I’ve ever hoped to know.
His gift, His grace, His love… saved my soul from despair.
Because of Him, I am saved from every fear and doubt.
Because of His love, I know the way out…
The way through… the way to… life that is unending,
Life that is … just the beginning!