In the Beginning
In the beginning, it didn't matter, if I saw your face
In the beginning , I didn't care, if someone else held a place
In the beginning my feelings had not yet come
I had no idea from where they had sprung
Your other face had no name, and it didn't matter
Yes, at first it was a game
The picture had started forming and putting to mind a place
It's becoming much more clearer that this someone has a face
So what is going to happen, now that I'm standing in an ocean
My feelings are getting stronger, and are sure to cause a commotion
I'm left in the middle with no way out
What are you going to do, to me there is some doubt
I'm not demanding that you make a choice
I've showed you how much I care, and not with just my voice
Should I keep caring, for someone who has another
Would it be appropriate for me to have another
My feelings are there for all the eye to see
Can you not tell, that my feelings for you run deep
I feel that you care about me, and yours are not far behind
But do you not seek, for what it is you'll find
I know that you and I, under different circumstances did meet
Should I take a leave, and bow out in defeat
I know this face you have not just met
Caring for you to me comes easy and easier you can bet
But will I be left standing, standing here all alone
Should I just take me heart and be gone
Should I and my feelings be kept inside
Should I have to crawl within myself let my feelings die
For at this point, my heart is in your hands
I'm asking a simple question not one thing do I demand
For someone like you I have waited, I have waited for so long
For someone like you to take me in your arms