Love Poem: In the end hand in hand we go
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Written by: Liam Mcdaid

In the end hand in hand we go

Faraway in a distant land hope grows 
age of centuries battlefield of truth 
a merry go around 
cotton white kisses clouds 
dancing joy blows them away 

Warmly into paradise upon golden sands 
lingering magic music chants an air wave floating 
The harp plays on her spells as a violin tugs deeply lament 
where the starlight bursts silently whisper silver lining 
within footprints holding the temple of faith stand 

Cross roads starts the balancing act advances forward
building blocks begins one step at a time 
over oceans suffering beauty dwells inside
The salted spice cured pains only love 
forever and always remains lingerings clarity 

With the ashes of memories that never will die 
breathing with the fallen stars dust smouldering aches burn 
giving birth to a spiritual wisdom in another realm 
rising waves crash and kneel to salute freedom's voice  
falling on the seventh crest adoring salvation sings a lark song 
within your charity bewitching time held precious heart Divine 

Captivated by your heavenly vision appears a presence 
dazzling diamonds stepping onto the plate to serve only you gracious 
light of eternities flame burns brightly promising blue seals your gift 
misted with angels tears rainbow over one bridge to cross
ties the knot inside forever joined miracle of the sun 

Clothed by the radiance of a pearl's lustre 
washed by the seabed sweet salt whitewashed
halo of a heartbeat's echo chimes deeply ringing  
Sweetly from the thorns crowning Grace sits regal passion 
silk warm petals of a rose ingrowing deeply flowers 
touching a sunbeam's glow colours our destiny in which path we do take