In the Light of a Shadowfire
The Prince of the North
Carried the gem
Through Whispering Trees
To the castle
Passing through Knights and men
From his hand...
A Shadowfires' wondrous light
For love will always win
In the battle between day and night
Across the walled garden
Flowers began to glow...
The Prince of the North
Strode forth...
To the Great Hall
The Shadowfire...
Gave off beams of lilac and blue light
The love inside
Conquered the wraiths bitter night
The Great Hall door
Silently swung open
Faeries danced
The colour bright
The Heartstone,shone
the Dreamstone,gleamed
The battle, won
Under a Heartstone moon
The Aurora Borealis flickered
Faerie light shone
Golden bright
No light could compare
To a Shadowfire
A castle...
Bathed in beautiful light
The passing of the Ice King...
On a wraiths' bitter night
Lilac and blue
Filled your heart
Love too
These things cannot be taken
Only given
If you let your heart awaken
A Shadowfire...
That lies in your heart
The colour known only to you
Will love you too