In the Mirror's Eyes
Alas, death sets in
The bitter cold at night
The chills that haunt my soul
Creeping in like a virus
It makes no sound
But in your heart
It always will abound
This pain gives offset emotions
In the mirror I hate what I see
I see, me
A person with no future
No hope
No dreams
No aspirations
Just one lost soul
But what I don't know
Is that there is someone who cares
Even if I ignore it
I make myself oblivious to the love around
All I hear is the repeating sound
From lost lovers saying no
To old friends that let me go
I look in this mirror and see
Someone who wants to be free
Escape the bitter pain
But if take my life now it will all be in vain
I am unaware
Of the little things around
The friends that still care
The family I still have
I take it all for granted
And I do not see
How much these people
Really love me