In the Night
I awaken,
Somewhere deep in the night,
My leg wrapped over yours...
I smile in the darkness,
All is right...
My mind in silent counterpoint,
To your soft and soothing snores,
It's so peaceful and quiet,
And your heart is close to mine...
I don't care what's going on in the outside world,
Your nearness is sublime...
The radio quietly plays a song
That from that moment on,
Will link me to this bliss,
You may disappear in my future,
But tonight I savor your eternal kiss..
I prop up my head, in
this love warmed bed,
And paint a mental picture,
One to last me through
Future lonely nights,
And be a lifetime fixture,
Of when love warmed my bed,
And glowed about my room,
And happiness seemed complete,
If only such a moment could come again,
As one I could at will repeat...
But life's a bit more cynical,
And often leaves its own bad taste...
And despite those golden nights of love,
In essence it seems a waste...
Now I know not if my existence,
Might have touched someone,
And enriched another's life...
I only remember that night of love,
And wish you were my wife.