In the Sanctuary
What kind of people are in the Household of Faith? More specifically, in your Household of Faith,
who's there? Let's say we just limit this inquiry to the Sanctuary's
social status. Are they poor, middle class, rich, business owners and/or home owners? Is there any unemployed, any hungry, and any homeless among us? Do we assume that there is no one in our pews hungry and homeless? Please, don't stone me for asking questions.
Moreover, we cannot assume that because we are Christians, we show mercy. Remember, in Jesus' parable of The Good Samaritan, only one out of three even cared enough to do anything by showing mercy. The other two who showed no mercy, a priest and a Levite, were supposedly among the best that their society had to offer.
At the end of the conversation with the lawyer, The Amplified Bible says, Then Jesus said to him, "Go and constantly do the same." Are we constantly showing mercy or merely occasionally exercising a kind deed to members of our community?
Let's not be too quick with our answers. One last question. Again, please don't stone me! Remember that in The Good Samaritan Story, the question was asked because the man wanted to vindicate or justify himself. What is our motive if and when we consider showing mercy? It must never be about us and how it vindicates and makes us feel. May all our acts of kindness and good deeds always be about true mercy and love.
11162017 PS (Luke 10:25-37)