In This Moment - 2
Life goes by quickly
Time stands still for no one
It is through God’s gift
Of life – that we can feel
The essence of hope
The wonder of faith
The beauty of grace
The whispers of peace
The sweetness of love
Life goes by so fast
We can’t waste the moments
On darkness that tries
To take away our time here
With its dread and worry
Its heartaches and struggles
We know that it is time
To listen to the heart’s light
Feel the joy inside our soul
The uplifting music of a heart
Who knows that God is alive
And He survives every test of time
To fill our lives with appreciation
Life moves so fast, like a beam of light
Never allowing us the time we want
But hurrying forward – on to tomorrow
The present moment lost to the past
And the day we’ve spent changed to history
Where we pull out its memory and charm
To reflect on the whisper of our heart
We know only the joy of this moment
The day will be gone before too long
We need to find the blessing already
Upon us, the beauty, the kindness, the love
That shines down like the morning sun
Caressing the life who is inspired by it all
The wonder of God’s creation, His presence
His endless supply of gifts, His sweet blessing!
Never take for granted the love
That is poured out on souls from above!