In This Taoist's View
Could we be doing our best
to invest in Earth's cooperative health markets?
While you sell our most competitive killing machines
to our Saudi Arabian cousins.
Referencing this touchstone as an ecopolitical WinWin,
unlike Parisian multicultural investments in climate health,
as LoseLose,
remains upside down of any truly love-life frame.
Ballistic sales and buys are tragic ecopolitical failures
as are our hugely nihilistic military markets,
fueled by political-nationalistic fear-mongering,
anti-life and hope
could only cynically be seen and heard
much less smelled and felt
as WinWin success.
Bombs stink.
One hundred and ten billion dollars
for purveyors of future death and destruction
to, and around, Saudi Arabia
seems somewhat against climates of health
as compared to Parisian international agreements
to do our best
to turn from investments in further disinvesting death pathologies
to return toward climates
and ecopolitical landscapes of health's wealthier
more robust and resonantly multiculturing
WinWin outcomes.
We have no prospects for wins that are truly anthro-economic
that are anti-ecologic.
Wealth blossoms from healthy roots.
It is not smart to try to plant and sell your roses upside down.
In Taoism,
and other zero-centric disciplines
and art-forms,
such as statistical trend analysis
and Permaculture Design
and Game Theory,
every position has its dipolar apposite;
every static implies a dynamic hypostatic,
as Yang implies apposition Yin,
as masculine strength implies feminist-matriarchal nurture,
embryonic wombed conservancy.
If God is love,
then also fear delineates God's and Earth's omnipotent boundaries
for therapeutic health.
Some would say love's opposite is hate,
but here more resonant appositional contrast is ecstasy,
Eastern interdependent consciousness of bliss,
Western polypathy of experiential and logosed trans-paradigmatic wisdom,
as fear can distrust into chronic hate
so love can trust transcendent polyculturing ecstasies.
Climate health
is also about absence of climate pathology
which could lead to multicultural ecstasies,
Martin L. King, Jr's BeLoved Communities,
resonant harmonies
of zero-sum ecopolitics.
But, we must choose love
for synergetic cooperative economics
rather than fear-mongering WinLose ballistic arms
for racing racism
for gender-commodifying sexism,
for cooperative capital reducing reductive capitalism
for substituting economism for ego/eco-systemic logic;
bring on more Left with Right
for less Left against Right,
bring on YangJustice with YinurturingPeace
Love with delineating Fear of Ego/Eco-Loss
of any regenerative future markets
of all-consumer and for all-producing health
as freedom's wealth.
Religions, all, choose nature-spirit climates of and for sacred love,
so our choices for political landscapes furthering fear
fade away from military industrialized
brother/sister extended hatreds.
We are better than addiction to sale of armaments.
We have learned already
to invest in multiculturing climates and landscapes
and languages
and cultures of and for love.
If love grows our cooperative capacities,
capital investments,
to optimize health as wealth
through each and every multiculturing WinWin
relational and transactional opportunity,
then it is not only a lie replacing Promise
to believe we can democratically point a loaded rifle
at someone's product of love
within a smaller nationalistic spirit supporting life,
Death sales are also tragically missed opportunities
to further delineate
our polypathic possibilities of and for,
in and through,
before and after,
sacred ecological love,
our shared democratic multiculturing Promise.
While there are two sides,
at least,
to every healthy resonating story,
the other side veers off
toward dissonate pathologies,
decay and even threats thereof,
paranoia and rabid ritualistic terrors
bipolar eviscerating history
rather than dipolar co-arising her/his-stories.
Every love story
includes its tensioned appositional,
fear of deadly growth
toward hate's viral histories
of capital gains for aristocratic few
without ecotherapeutically mutual co-investments
in and for freedom's regenerative return.
We have our love creation stories
with, and happily above,
our fear-commodifying history
of threats and ecopolitical coercion,
capital love abundance
not yet entirely perverted into arcane reductivist capitalism,
supported by even more military industrializing sales
at most until Earth's oil
then gas
then ballistics defuse our bullets
while jonesing for more cooperatively-owned love comes rushing in.
A Permaculture Designer
might observe we all agree,
Judeo-Christian American,
and Islamic Saudi Arabian,
our mutually beloved Allah-God is 0-core love,
from which all creations positive bright nurtured co-arise
double-binding all imaginations negative
dualdark bipolarities of competing defined exegetical contrasts
with dipolarities cooperating delineating eisegetical comparisons.
No bright white health nutritional trends
without dark black death decompositions
but calling climate health black
and darkdeath-mongering merely not quite unwhite
does not make alternative facts more true,
as trusting polypathic freedoms
to regeneratively optimize love
as and in and of and for
God and Earth's future cooperative health.
One hundred and ten billion dollars for ballistics
for disinvesting God and Allah and Earth from each LoveOther.
Piracy of truth and goodness
perfidy of healthy trust
of and for future regenerations.
Self impeaching offenses against God and Earth as Love,
sold as cause for international celebration.
I am decidedly not buying.