In Time
I smiled the day my children arrived
As my wife, my love, she brought them in
Behind curtain, cut, she waited to see them
As I whispered to her… in time
She held them, fed them, cleaned them well
Counting the days to bring them home
She asked the doctor just how long to leave
He said in reply… in time
In time
The whole wide world can pass us by
In time
The days can go in the blink of an eye
In time
Moments must be captured somehow
In time
There’s no time, like right now
Home, loving them, helping them grow
She and I did our best to give them everything
Yet they always asked for the newest things
And we would say… in time
They’d get, they’d use, they’d change their likes
What was new was old and they wanted new again
Money was tight, but love was always plenty
So we would reply… in time
In time
The whole wide world can pass us by
In time
The days can go in the blink of an eye
In time
Moments must be captured somehow
In time
There’s no time, like right now
They rushed to grow through school, through life
While we watched and taught and loved so much
They wanted this and that, the car keys and more
Our reply was always… in time
When they fell in love and broke their hearts
Our hearts had broken those times with them
They would ask why and how long to get over
We’d respond lovingly… in time
In time
The whole wide world can pass us by
In time
The days can go in the blink of an eye
In time
Moments must be captured somehow
In time
There’s no time, like right now
As adults, they learned so much and applied
With children of their own, they learned even more
When asked of them, the same things we heard
We heard them say… in time
Funny, how different they are and may end up
As years went on, we couldn’t and didn’t see
That all problems pass and they will be fine
Because we got to them… in time
In time
The whole wide world can pass us by
In time
The days can go in the blink of an eye
In time
Moments must be captured somehow
In time
There’s no time, like right now