In Your Arms No Pain Will Last
This is a classic Acrostic .. but with a twist, each even line has internal rhyme, each
odd line has end rhyme ... plus odd lines are 8 syllables, even 6.
Inside your smile, I rest awhile.
No words; just eyes that speak,
Yearning fingers, touch that lingers
On silkiness of cheek.
Under saffron light; before night
Renders lovers to rest
A kiss we share dispels despair,
Remorse; a leaving guest.
May faith enfold these arms that hold
Safely, your tender trust.
No nightmares come for dreams undone
Once fear has turned to dust.
Perhaps too fast my hand is cast
And passion may just pause,
If this is so then you must know,
No-bodies perfect, all have flaws.
When hesitation calls; builds walls,
In this bond, created.
Listen to me and you will see
Lasting truth is stated
Laying here, you so close, so near
A vow, softly spoken.
Shadows will not fall, end it all,
This love shall never be broken.