Love Poem: Incalculable Love
Obedience Lingwati Avatar
Written by: Obedience Lingwati

Incalculable Love

I have seen love that is most pure
Love destroyed and need no cure
Love born in a rainyday to grow
Love of a champion rejoiced love in 
his run
His love as a tent for the sun
As a bridegroom coming forth from 
his  pavilion
Love so real to nees any companion
A devote to a strong heart union

So who am i  to calculate  a delight of 
What reasons are there for me not to 
give in so much
Why cant it become a fixed mark
That show no wrong on the edge
Love that  never change with time 
and age
Love that needs not works of potions
Love that carry one question
The need for  'I DO' in return
Then i see no reason to limit such 
The love better than wine
Love worth being  yours and mine 
How complete the delights of your 
How generous is your heart 
To keep all the old and new delights
A constant feel
Incalculabe and immeasurable