Inches Do Count
> >
Difference of inches
Between, Pat on back
Kick in the pants
If good aim lack.
Just say thank you
Recognition send
To fellow colleague
Or beloved friend.
Call or text message
The least you can do
Folks happy to hear
“Was thinking of you.”
Big tribute …Thank You,
Create “Wall of Fame”
Everyone appreciates
When honor their name.
Give heartfelt applause
For job’s well done
On family weekends
With loved ones have fun.
Three encouraging thoughts
Write on paper strips
pull out of mason jar
Read on weekend trips.
Call, leave a message
Just say “I love you”
To hear your dear voice
Thrills them through and through.
It’s the thought’s that counts
Perk up someones day
Last in the evening
A prayer for them say.
Not matter of inches
In life every day
Just matter of time
Find something kind say.
Barbara Barry-Nishanian
Jan. 28, 2018