Love Poem: Infinitely Bound
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Written by: Robert Humphreys

Infinitely Bound

Water rushed and flowed with tremendous energy as she 
used her insight and understanding to carve waterways 
where none had formerly been. At times Water needed 
more strength and power, while other times Water
needed to be still and silent.

Air, with his fierce winds would move and assist Water 
helping her o create tides and crashing waves.  
Air’s curious nature kept him intrigued wanting more
Water. Water spoke to Air expressing her desire and
longing for Air, as Air spoke to Water he found his

Water became still and Air became the breeze. 
At times Air moved quickly and violently while Water
raged tumultuously; other times both rested and were
still. During these times Water and Air realized
they created and carved a newness of life from both the
raging tumult and fierce winds. 

Water and Air understood there was no stillness and
peace without the raging tumult and fierce winds. 
In the chaos and stillness Water and Air became one,
and Water began to carry Air as Air began to carry
Water and together Water and Air were infinitely bound
one to the other.