Love Poem: Inner light
Wafa Khan Avatar
Written by: Wafa Khan

Inner light

Beauty lies not in the face alone,
But in the soul, where love and kindness 
I've chased pretty faces, only to find,
That beauty fades, when the heart is left behind.

I've been drawn in, by a lovely guise,
Only to discover, a hollow, empty surprise.
But then I've met, those with hearts so true,
And found that beauty, shines brighter, in all they do.

Time reveals, the beauty that's real,
Not in the physical, but in the way they feel.
For some may wear, a mask of grace,
But it's the beauty in the soul, that leaves a lasting trace.

So let me look, beyond the face,
And find the beauty, in a loving embrace.
For true beauty, lies in the heart and mind,
And that's where I'll search, to find a love that's truly kind.

Allah blessed Bilal, a soul so bright,
Not with a pretty face, but a heart full of light.
Though physical beauty was not his to claim,
His inner beauty shone, and earned him eternal fame.

His faith and courage, in the face of pain,
Made him a beloved, a true friend to gain.
The Prophet honored him, and the world did too,
For his beautiful soul, pure and true.

The glad tidings of Paradise, were announced to him here,
Not for his physical face, but his soul, so clear.
A lesson to us all, to look beyond the skin,
And seek the beauty within, where true beauty begins.