Innocence Charts
Through the years as a girl gets older her innocence chart fades and the numbers go down.
You see when she's first born it's at 100. Than by 2 when she takes her first step it goes down
about 5 points. When she's 5 and starts demanding cookies and lollipops her innocence chart
goes down about 20 points . When she's 9 and you start buying her baby dolls that come with
strollers and fake baby bottles. The kind the train the little girl to grow to be a mommy... her
innocence chart takes a really deep plunge by almost 40. When the girl is 12 and finally
experiencing womanhood and you have to tell her about the birds and the bees and even though
she's young warn her about pregancy her innocence goes down 15. Now during her teenage
years her score goes down with each passing day. With each boy friend and exploration of the
body. WIth each kiss innocence is fading further. So I'd say between 13 and 14 it goes down an
extra ten. Now all we have left is 10 points and the worst innocence destroyer is highschool.
Statstics show that by 17 almost 70% percent of girls have had sex. So by 17 either your waiting
and antiicipating or their's no points left to fade and we all know what that means. Once
innocence fades you began to develop adults problems... lets just hope the girls are ready for
this next chart.