Innocence of Love
When I think of him, my mind is left to wonder
Moments and memories consume me, and fantasies take over
To hear his voice on the phone makes my heart flutter and smile
And leaves me hoping with each and every passing second we can keep talking for a longer
To see, touch, hold, and kiss him makes my heart beat faster
Willingly I allow myself to be played by his hands, eyes, and body as he lets me know he's
the master
What I wouldn't give to be able to be with him all the time
What I wouldn't do to once again have him be mine
My emotions or love for him is not blind
I see it so clearly today, just as I still see it, from years past that are frozen in time
However, for now, I'll take what of him I can get
Even if only to have him for a few brief moments
Moments locked forever in time
Memories which are only his and mine
I want to be the one to walk with him, eyes wide openly shut, into the right side of wrong
temptation with our hearts flying wildly above....
...Honey, I want to go there with you over and over again come take my hand now as we
continue through the innocence of love