Love Poem: Innocent Caroline
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Written by: Lezel Van Den Berg

Innocent Caroline

My favorite day would be summertime,
wandering through our back yard 
dressed in the finest lace 
daddy’s princess smelling of freshly picked lavender
swaying with the trees, Sweet Caroline.

Morning brings with it the fragrant pine,
before the sun could lift me
I would think about the day’s events
packed to the rafter
an early walk would serve me, I smile.

I’d rise to sunshine,
peering through the corner of my curtains
fanning gently onto my face
 the promise of a hot sultry day
to entertain, Daddy’s little Caroline.
The ladies gathered at breakfast time,
elegantly dressed they frame 
cupcakes and finger tarts
on display while batting their colourful eyes
signalling the time at nine.

My face feels flushed,
looking across the hall way mirror
I notice a few errand strands
locking into my eyes,
I stand to smooth them and capture the roomy hush.

I regret not having the wine,
Every eye in the room
darts towards me as if called
to observe the hasty move,
the first signs of a crush, for sweet Caroline.

Handsome men stand aligned,
matches made and missed
they brood together
as much as I try to distance
they lean closer
smelling of soap and sandalwood, All in their prime.

The umbrella in my hand a shrine,
calling to every man in town
for proposal,
daddy’s invitations to wed
rocking sweet Caroline.