Inside the Cave
Inside The Cave
The remnant,
Sheep without a shepherd,
Hiding from the wolves
The convincing crowd,
Bellowed out the sentence
Passed on their leader,
Crucify him!!
Words passed quickly
Judas hanged from a tree,
It was dark, lonely
Cold and wet,
Who will explain
This mystery?
Kill the shepherd, the sheep are scattered.
Peter followed close behind
Maybe to see another miracle,
When the boat overturned
Everyman for himself,
Swim or drown
He denied knowing his leader,
Still flesh and blood.
Did the mission end?
Will they return to fishing?
Leave behind Lazarus,
And such stormy experience,
Will the band play again?
Or will it be forever silent,
‘I am going fishing’, Peter broke the silence.
The net they tossed left
Tossed right,
This night they came up naught,
Like a downward spiral,
Free fall can be comforting
With nothing to lose,
They rowed back to shore.
Then from the misty distance
A voice reached out,
Like a rope down the hole
Cast your net on the other side,
It could not be,
They looked up with beaming eyes
Master is that you?
Others came running
Nets stretched full of fish,
The master once again
Inspired their lives,
Train was back on track,
As hearts filled and running over
Resolved to share the catch.
Kengee ©