Inside the Mind of a Prison Wife
Why didn’t they just give you a fine?
Why did they have to take what is mine?
You may be in that place for your crime,
But my baby you didn’t deserve any time.
The system is trying to tear us apart,
But you’re the only one that can have my heart.
Another year seems so very long,
But together we stand defiant and strong.
The distance between us is always tough,
Three visits a month will have to be enough.
My life is complete whenever you’re near,
No more upset, not one more tear.
Whenever you feel lonely in your cell,
Remember you still have me under your spell.
Sometimes I just don’t know how to say,
My love for you grows day on day.
World at my feet but I only want you,
A steady life, some children too.
When you’re home this will all be history,
As we start to unfold our future, the mystery.