Unlike the world the mind of Truth is not for sale
the spirit of its word is freely shared
and gathering together whose hearts have cared
within affections warmth our souls regale
For love does recognize those who are its own
and to embrace within its arms all caught
and forsakest each other willest not
open welcome by invitation to its home
So her gleaming brighness doth upon all shine
and all who look upon her know her fair
wisdom and justice for all does share
and fertile are her passages of time
and within the bride and groom do become one
where hearts enjoined the work of God do prove
that to free those enslaved to madness move
where the works of hatred can be undone
At the cities gates her voice appeals
that to turn aside to wisdom taught
submission to understanding in your thought
the sources of true knowledge she reveals
Our hearts are the plaintiff before the judge
where does show our contempt or praise to be
our actions display only what our heart can see
whether its instruction did we bid or grudge
For all do stand before the court of Life
within its time all thoughts and actions etched
framed within its moments lives are sketched
if one has weilded justice or the knife
For all have seen the truth of justice and her scales
with impartiality her weights are ever seen
actions of your heart determine kind or mean
those who listen to instruction she never fails
Those without a home she's given cover
fed and clothed has she whom those had none
bid those who wish to share in love to come
benevolence the garments that clothe each other
Within ones own heart is lodged our truth of ways
many have sought to hide its full intents
but the full exposure by time its seeds prevents
the thought and deeds recorded by time its days
Examine does ones heart the life of self
and if to the course of love one has been true
for sealed within is all that makes up you
opened will be the book that lays sealed upon its shelf
And we like sands that moving through the glass
what was our future has fashioned now our past
but what is us is in its scroll now firmly cast
and saved until he who unseals the graves of everlast
COPYRIGHT © 2011 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC