Love Poem: Instructions on how to love me
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Written by: Roses Roses

Instructions on how to love me

Love me like you only have 3 hours to live and I'm 5 hours away
Let your heart listen to my dreams, so you can hear me serenade you to our future 
Love me like yes, you can have the last cookie, and I'll give you my whole heart not just a piece
Because heaven shared you, so earth is my slice 
Let your words affirm me when my wavering thoughts get stuck in the tides at sea
Love me like time can't be taken for granted and watch how much more you can see
Let your hidden words shower me and I'll wash the places you can't reach
Love me like the reaper on a Harley because I need a ride or die
Let’s go beyond their comprehension
p.s. adventure is at the corner where love awaits...