Internet Dating
Internet Dating
by Tina Lasley
Online profiles, IM’s and chats
This new way of dating
What’s up with that?
Sitting behind our computer screens
Writing our profiles
For all to be seen
Exchanging emails, flirts and winks
To online strangers
To see what they think
Checking out each profile’s stats
Looking for others
Who are most like that
Preferences, interests & other things
Constantly searching
To see what it brings
Long Term, Short Term or just Friends
Who’s looking for what?
It all depends
Have kids, want kids, go to church?
Smoker, drinker?
So much to search
Average, slender, athletic or plus
Is it a deal breaker
Or worth the fuss
What is your job?
How much do you earn?
Is it a priority or minor concern
Single, Widowed, Separated, Divorced
So many options
To be enforced
Long gone… are the days of old
When you Courted someone
Letting things slowly unfold
We are now reduced to online meetings
Left checking the inbox
For our daily greetings