Interstellar Love
I searched earth and my love was
nowhere to be found.
Now I travel to distant galaxies searching
for my love in space
where it's cold and there's no sound.
Where could she be?
Is she in an alternate universe. One that's
parallel to mine?
Do I have to travel through a wormhole? Is
she in another
place in time? I asked the stars where can
I find her and
none of them could tell me. I asked an
alien sun but he gave
no answer. His bright unusual light only
making it hard for me to
see. I asked every neutron star and every
pulsar. Every nebula
cloud I've come across. I even asked a
supernova where she
could be. But his answers turned out to be
false. None of the
constellation of stars seem to know where
my baby is. Orion
doesn't know. Gemini doesn't know.
Neither Andromeda or
Sirius. I'm in interstellar despair, travelling
through the deepness
of space. Going from one universe to the
next and hoping that one
day I'll see my baby's face. I don't know
how many light years I'll
have to travel. Or how many cosmic doors
I'll have to knock on. All
I know is that the desire to search for my
love beyond the stars will
never be far from gone....