Into a Cloud
Candles lit, soft music seduces my ears
She takes my hand and shows me the way
I stroll into a cloud with footsteps of ardor
Plans for the evening thrown out the window
She kisses my ear and whispers, "I love you"
My knees weaken at the hint
Her feminine allure too strong to resist
Chemistry, physics, biology all doing their thing
Blood accelerates through racetracks of my veins
Sound disappears save for her voice
Eyes closed, her head tossed back in anticipation
Temperatures escalate as I nuzzle her neck
Steam jaywalks on our bedroom window
Therms of endearment
The moisture on her skin collides with my goose bumps
Hunger and thirst assuaged as lips caress lips
Our hands investigate regions that are only ours to know
My soul disappears as it merges into hers
Eros meets Psyche in her palace of gold
This must be heaven, or a dream, or a dream of heaven
The clouds part and the music returns to soothe my pulse
Afterglow dissolves all aches and thoughts of growing old
We are one