Intoxicated Under the Moon
Into the sea of dreams,
I remember the night I was with you,
The stars shimmered to it's glory,
Like a blanket illuminating our love,
Keeping us safe,
I felt so intoxicated by the drunken moon,
That I never felt time pass us by.
Long conversations on the majestic shores,
As we held hands and waves listened to our secrets,
Grabbing our memories and washing them into sea,
Imprinting in our hearts this connection we shared,
It could not be broken,even if we tried,
This force was not to be reckoned with.
I know this then,I know this now,
That some things are not meant to be understood,
It must be accepted and acknowledged.
The starry night skies once showed us that anything is possible,
If we believe,but sometimes our belief is lost,
In this time of fear it runs away,sometimes never to be found
Now am standing here my heart is filled with so much love,
Can't you see it,Can you feel it.
The wind in my face,blowing the strands of stay hair on my face,
Felt like your aura was embracing me,touching,
Take my back to that intoxicating moon,those addictive stars,
For just one night,one moment,
The moment that is embedded in my heart.