Love Poem: Introduction of Oxum
Allan Terry Avatar
Written by: Allan Terry

Introduction of Oxum

"Parvati and Oxum" or "The Last of Us"
is the concern of a whorish woman
who grew up with five brothers 
and five sisters. Her father and mother bought an Old
barn and made into a home ,"and the children came!"
The story focuses on Aurora Stellingport. She grew up
normal as having nine siblings could be. She had
 a very close relationship with her parents. 
She began college but quit
after a hurricane destroyed her home. She found a job
in a used clothing store and moved in with her mother.
While at work an elderly couple came in came in and had
a conversation loud enough for Aurora to hear. She told of
a story that featured a cheating father and his woman friend.
They spoke of to children fathered by the cheating fella. They  also
said someone might be married to the adult male of this
 relationship and the fact : that someone's husband might
 be her half brother. She paid it no nevermind as she had
 not been married and her fiance was someone new in her life
and it didn't relate to
anyway. One year pasted.
And during this time
Aurora prepared for marriage and went back to college. She studied 
music and culinary arts. During the preparation
for her Marital Pre invitational she saw the old couple again in the store. She invited them to the party and with frowning faces they accepted.
Orisha the pending fiance stood at the party to annouce there engagment and wedding
which had been planned to be a Christmas Day Wedding. "Love takes control
over what everyone belives." The Old man said iif this wedding is on
I will speak to the Preist and tell these people
not to consimate this union.