Life's standards, its conclude
how gospel vested interlude
drives promise to the wind,
my own extrude ~
As telling all the world
my love is true
and then to thy own ear exclude
no gracious entity of faith so rude!
Would chance the day,
this then to call my mood
and privacies invade, not Heaven's brood
as nowhere else defined, still search as clued!
For it is Hell I share, without thy good
entwining time together, understood ~
that Heaven not be broken, with laws lewd
if not on Earth that then Thy love renewed!
And not in time away and not in viewed
disorder of love's claim, so misconstrued
is neither here nor there, is but fool's feud
the argument contained by my Art's hued!
And brought to center stage as empty stood
what moment can arrange, that thee include
this aching heart's abridge ~
. . . without intrude!