Iridescent One
One person who has stayed true blue
throughout all phases of my life
is the lovely lady, just a girl,
when I became her brother’s wife.
For more years than I will divulge
she has brought comfort to my soul.
Through births and deaths she has been there
in always kind, supporting role.
We shared the loss of her brother,
my loved husband who died too young,
before his story had been told
or his last song had been sung.
We clung together through the loss
of her young son and then my own.
With her siblings and husband dead
she could be facing life alone.
But she has claimed my loved daughters
and dear grandchildren as her own.
No sad or happy date goes by
but what she remembers to phone.
She has traveled to their weddings,
and with them their history shares.
She’s not intrusive, is involved
enough to show their auntie cares.
When young she had great beauty
and she is still dipped in glory,
in iridescence if you please
as I tell you in this story.