Iron Gates
I know it must get hard in there
to keep your chin-up high,
But, don't let anyone get you down,
Keep praying and never stop trying!
You feel like your part of another world,
When your locked behind prison gates,
One where men don't have love in their hearts,
But, instead feel so much hate!
Hatred for those who abandoned them, when they
were only babes,
Anger for who put them there, inside their iron
Resentment for the women who are'nt being true
while their men are away,
Longing for their families who still love them
true, unconditionally forgiving their mistakes,
Faithfully writing them letters each week,
waiting matter how long it takes!
There are good people living behind those gates too,
You should know, because you are one,
Just seek out the good men around you, do your best
and don't forget where you are from.
Stay true to yourself and never waiver from your
morals and beliefs,
Do your time and come home get started on
the new life you seek!!!