Ironing the Sheets
Life brings mysteries to us like stars we can’t touch,
much less dream to migrate to (with planets like ours?)
where more life might exist! Evolution’s ‘God’s Law!’
Life’s predestined to tease those aspiring to map
where things are in the landscape of lives that we live.
Know (the reason?) that Christ chose to die for our sin -
for if God’s beyond knowledge, IS KNOWLEDGE, then Grace
too was ours long before Big Bang’s advent! Christ’s death
did not bring Grace we lacked, but said, “Grace IS God’s heart!”
Yes, my mother once ironed all my sheets, briefs, and such,
and I scoffed at such labor, a waste of life’s hours
(if not gift I desired, still not feared fang and claw!),
her intent to show love. Still, I wish to unwrap
such illogical thinking. Who shares when they give
what traditions dictate, what ‘they’ want? Does love win
that dismisses what loved one desires? On its face,
that sounds strange! Do socks long to be ironed? Give me breath,
room to breathe, not gifts found in a tomb. That’s love’s art!
Long Tooth
March 9th in 2021