Irrational Hunger
Note: Okay, my friends, I am experimenting with erotic poetry; please
be gentle with me, okay...? I want to explain...the form that I
am working on is not pornographic, but the physical relative
to the emotional. In essence, the characters "feel" a connection
to a particular person...sexual with emotional.
I've made too many in my life.
You know that you make me crazy...? Yes, you know.
I'm always tripping...and falling...
and breaking...
knowing that only you can cure this insatiable appetite.
Why does love make me so delusional...?
After all, I am a grown woman, but the hunger for you
makes me willing to do almost anything just to look into
your eyes for one moment...
just one moment with you, baby...
and I'll be okay.
Tell me you love me, honey...
Let me feel the life between your soft thighs...taste you...
I'll be bad and go down...always...
day or night...
my tongue, deep into your throat as I squeeze that tight
little behind of yours...
My lipstick will be your tattoo.
Love...? Lust...? Both...?
I want to discover the truth that is living inside of me, allowing
me to be vulnerable to perform...anything.
Let's get wild.
My arms are opened, baby...
Come in.
Another note: This was the censored version.