Irrational Numbers, With Lyrics
The number of folks sitting
on the back porch
for peace to strike,
like waiting for my garden to grow
without yet having planted it.
The number of people
noticing that chronic victims
suffer from critical victimization events,
minus the number who also notice
that chronic crimers
also suffer from critical
The number of people
horrified by the number of victims
of prejudicial discriminashunishtion
against their ethnicity,
economic lack of class,
and suitable gender,
and age of maturation
but also unaware
of how we could better celebrate
positive multicultural discriminations
for diverse ethnicities,
economic cooperative sufficiencies
of fairly decent incomes together
better than apart,
genders, including preferences,
and age-appropriate behaviors.
The number of folks who also see
impoverishment and marginalization,
chronic social criminalization,
whenever they hear it said
of retributive justice,
deterrent incapacitation
and restraint
as additional most negative,
and possibly unnecessary, constraints.
The number of leaders we select
willing to settle
for uniform dark punishments
of retributive overkill,
without the slightest hint of redistributive overjoy
most anywhere
for or with anyone,
mistaking this for unity of restorative purposes
we more peacefully
and co-redemptively
so long for.
The number of excellent scientists and parents
seeking deductively reasoned
learning processes by day
while dreaming inductively co-operative
seeking warmer compassions through each night.
The number of economists
and politicians too,
of parents
and educators
recognizing communication
through diversely humming channels beyond simply straightforward speaking
and hearing
and watching,
to include RNA's more regeneratively primal
and tasting
and absorbing
through shared root systems,
functioning like reverse lickers
and stickers
and salivators
and saps
and pheromone freaks.
The number of scientists
who might somehow come to realize
that tree conversations
could take place through rooting systems
plus those who also celebrate implications
that tree co-empathic conversations are,
at their highest on-line best,
currently over our mutually
redundant ecopolitical clouded heads.
The number of folks
who feel complicit
in our punished guilt
plus those who can still celebrate
our nature's mutually complicit restorative passions,
born both loving predator
and beloved prey,
until parents and Sunday School
and day care teachers teach WinLose
other not-so-wise.
The number of communication buffs
who think these two populations,
society's predators and victims
reallllly neeeeed to talk,
and listen,
and not so much both at the same time,
and probably not lick
or hit with a stick
because that would be so icky.
The number of kids
who would predict
that their parents
and teachers
will compete to heat our climates up
so we all can drown together,
regardless of primal
The number of prophets
recognizing selves
as original native residents
of indigenous EarthTribes,
and listening
cooperatively for co-planting,
and thereby growing,
ego's active cooperating peace
as and of and for
eco-restorationelating justice,
Left in rational solidarity with SacredRight,
DNA mutually sniffing RNA's
optimal Paradisal CoOperating Climates.
The number of folks
still settling for talking and praying
against demonic climate changes,
when we could also be cooperatively planting
and growing
rich climates of health,
cultures of gratitude
at least for and with front porch
Positive PsychoEcoLogists.
The number of people
who fail to recall
that what ever you were taught as
Orthodoxy's Sacred Truth,
at one time
was first naturally felt and sensed
as eisegetical WinWin hope,
mutually-licking and sticking
hypo-principaling around theses
with their appositional un- and anti-theses.
The number of systemic processors
actively hoping
for zero-sum
Plus-Plus double-binding
both before
and after notnotnotnot yet
bilaterally timeless linear Time
restoring polypathic RealTime Tipping Points
of ZeroSoul rationality.
The number of Earth's creatures
waiting for war's continuing fires to drop
when we could more cooperatively learn
to wait instead for peace's inside-outside
other nondual secular-sacred
shoe to drop.