Love Poem: Is It Enough

Is It Enough

Is it poetry? 
just to say I miss you
Is it romantic to say I long
What if ...I just say I ache...
Is that poetic?
that my long limbs reach
My short thoughts 
My distant trances
My silly stances
My mistakes
My double takes... there have been a few
The ladders I climbed
The fields I walked
The beaches I have loved
My desperate reaches 
were never enough
Can I somehow over take
the wild and wondrous bake
of your muddled and mired mind?
to whisper ever sweetly
a simple ...child's
I love you
I have always loved you 
and there is nothing in this world that will ever change 
There is not money enough
no fortune, nor fame
No triumph or failure 
that could ever turn my heart away from you
...just you 
as I promised
I have loved you 
ever still ..ever steady..ever absolutely true
The oil burns on...just as pure and bright
even in silence 
for only love
my trillion miles away and always beside me
bright ,gifted
 wondrous creative love
Yes, my love
I love you 