Is Not So
Is it not so, that the sun does rise in the east and settles in west?
Is it not so, that water is water and fire is fire?
Is it not so, that laughter is laughter and pain hurts?
Is it not so that cold is cold and hot is hot?
Is it not so that a dog is a dog and a cat is still a feline?
Is it also not so that love is love and hate is hatred?
If all these things I have said be true and clear to you? How is it people think both right and wrong be both possible at the same time…yet we say that all things are either right or wrong depending on were you live at or the culture in which you were born in or in which ever way you were taught? If the world is truly a sphere as it was proven a long time ago and as is it still exist today? Then surely right or wrong can’t have change no matter were you or where born? I present these statements as proof positive and a fact that some of us might be living wrong!