Is This Goodbye Forever?
Is this goodbye forever?
Soon you’ll set off on your new endeavor
And I will be here
Sitting and waiting
For the day you’ll come home
But don’t worry about me baby
Ill be fine.
I try to tell myself that this is good for you
And I know it is
But I feel left out
Pushed to the side
I can’t help but feel this way
The days are long
The nights drag on
One day
Then two
I don’t see you
I remain faithful
As I hope you do
I create my calendar
Solemnly around you
Waiting for the day
You will want to be with me
No one else
Just me
Don’t worry
I see your efforts
Sometimes I just don’t feel them
Yet I know
If this is meant to be
Indeed it will
So I will rest
Upon that thought
Upon your beauty
And your word
So if this is goodbye forever
It is now me
Who shall set off on her new endeavor.