Is Your Foundation of Life Being Destroyed
Is Your Foundation of Life Being Destroyed?
Very seldom do I hear
any complaints.
Regarding the lacking
of moral restraints.
It seems like many are under
some kind of a "spell."
What's right or wrong?
Many can't even tell!
Where are the moral leaders
this nation needs?
As the heart of this nation
continually bleeds.
Many churches provide
very little discretion.
Pretending to be Godly…
Yet little Biblical direction!
No wonder many people don't
know what to believe.
A lifestyle of lying, drugs and
sex is what they achieve.
In their lives, they have
no "moral boundary."
Many carrying a load of "dirty laundry."
To those of you who want
satisfaction and victory too...
There is a "moral compass"
that's freely offered to you!
God's word is a solid foundation!
Which speaks of HIS love
and his gift of salvation!
If your life is filled with hurt,
and has no true meaning.
It's in the direction of Jesus
you need to be leaning!
You don't have to live in
despair and defeat!
Jesus' grace and love can
make you complete!
By Jim Pemberton