Island Girls
Rose petal sage and cinnamon time..
Diamonds and pearls within Her beautiful eyes
Vivacious merriment entangled amid these white
Satin sheets as joyfully frolicking throughout
Another night of pink, scented gaiety
Playful gestures mingled with intense emotions
Heartfelt hearths of euphoria sometimes catching
Our breath to lightly whisk us away upon these
Heavenly wings; ivories entwined spirits..
Tasting vanilla cream, smoothness strawberry flavours
Fondling and kissing and caressing, our love's
Meant to be written in the stars as knowing
That nothing in this faraway world behind
Could ever hope its compare as molten the lava
Flowing so freely from this Jewel of paradise, "We Share"
Lost amid Her Mediterranean sea; tranquillities celestial tides
Of rose petal sage and cinnamon time; diamonds
Aqua skies perfumed pearls within, Her beautiful eyes.