Islands In the Storm
Let the storms of rage pace us by my friends, for we have our islands
Of friendships resting in calmer waters, shelter coves of treasures devotions
Never to be rocked away, or relinquished!
Admits tidal shifting, know I’m always beside thee no matter what quaking
Takes place, the heart rheum of cherishment's remains the same pulse beat as mine,
For true sister ship is a binding thread never to be untethered, or unbound!
Behold a quilted tapestry, made from many fabrics of silken materials, emotional
Canvas spread wide to be shared with many souls, and across vast distances,
Beauty beguiling in its depth of structure, and magnificence!
Inspirational muses lighting each other’s way through the darkness of every days,
Tangled mysteries to life, or stressful times, we the anchors firmament to the solid
Ground to realities shores, these soul sisters bounded by loves ties!
Restrictions lightning strikes threshing at us seemingly out of control, the earth
Rattles with the thunderous roar trying to rip us apart, but remember thus
At the heart of this hurricane blast, lies the islands of friendship, the eye of the
Storm remains unshaken, study and firm!
At full sail ships may drift at high tides unpredictable wakes, yet our destinations
Headings remain constant, homeward bound towards the safe harbors of friendships
Cove beyond troubled waters of the haling hellish storm!
If my boat collides against the rocks of injustice, or pains tragedies, I’ll wrap myself beneath
The warmth of my sister ships blanket, for here beneath thy covers layers of loving
I know I’ll be safe, filled with comforts arms enveloping me within mine sisters embrace!
Guiding me do these bright stars, maps of the timeless brilliance shimmering
Within my inner being, each a unique personage that means so much to me,
Lost amongst a universal black hole, by these flickering lights I alone know my way,
For in truth I’m not alone for these mine sisters led me ever onwards!
Knocked to my knees unable to walk, or reverse my sails, their winds guide
My ship, and lift me upwards by words of encouragement, prayer and thoughts
Of strengths resolve!
Blazing comets zoom passed me above, leaving me awe struck and shivering
Like a child left in the dark, but these many hands of deliverance reach out
Within this black pit of darkness lightning my way, and place these unsteady
Feet on hard earth once more!
Circle to the cross stitching, then pulled tightly behold a rose stitching of
Perfections grace, each threaded strain representing a sisters offering
Within the sails of my life, what a beauty canvas to glaze upon at twilights
Horizon sunset, it fills me with joy, hope and peace!
Do angels exist yes, I believe in them for within my treasure chest of
Friendship are wings of ivory sister ship, and petals of rose emotions,
Behold a true heart shaped box of wondrous miracles, my soul sisters whom are
The islands of shelter within my life storm!