It Almost Seems Like Yesterday
It Almost Seems Like Yesterday…
It almost seems like yesterday, I was very young.
I was playing with my friends and having so much fun!
It almost seems like yesterday, we were a loving family!
I was excited about life and so very content and happy!
It almost seems like yesterday, we were at church on Sunday!
How much I dreaded gong to school the next Monday!
It almost seems like yesterday, I’d go to work with grandpa!
I’d look forward to having some time with grandma!
It almost seems like yesterday, I’d read my Bible too!
I loved Jesus! And this was what I waned to do!
It almost seems like yesterday, an excitement was there!
A passion for my family and God, I wanted to share!
It almost seems like yesterday, that I met my sweet wife.
And the blessing she’s been for a good part of my life!
It almost seems like yesterday, when our kids were born.
God helped us through the many trials and storms!
What happened yesterday brings memories loud and clear.
The things I hold on to today shall one day disappear!
What happens today… May it bring me
to the God I once knew!
May I seek his will and direction In everything I do!
What happens tomorrow… I don’t know what the future brings!
I’m going to put my faith in God.
He’ll take care of everything!
What will happen today, is that I’ll take some time in prayer!
I know that God is faithful!
And will meet me there!
Yesterday is the past!. Today is a present God has given!
And I will follow him, each day I'm livin'!
By Jim Pemberton