It Depends On the Light
What LeftBrain sees
in YangWhite male
and YinBlack female,
RightBrain sees and smells and tastes and hears
in YangRed
tries to control the YinBlue
co-arising Bed.
Yin BlueGreen
remains our Sacred Queen
Holonic Harmonic Karma,
Holy Matriotic Spirit.
And so they speak
bicamerally bipolar
without each other.
Patriarchally not-listening
quite as nonviolently
as more dipolar Matriarchal WiseElders
now less bothering to speak
about growing extractions
for further self-perpetuating
patriarchal Yang-climatic pathology
Feeling overcrowded,
fighting for Earth's more resilient polycultural
educational systems
cooperatively deep ecology.
Active slow-grow pacing
within Earth's Holonic Spirit
of and for
Restoring Therapeutic Educated Justice
As YangRed-YinBlue
Secular/Sacred GreenPeace.