Love Poem: It Is About Me Now
Shining Bright Avatar
Written by: Shining Bright

It Is About Me Now

clouds are pouring none stop,
bearing their all,
emotions suppressed,
after a very long time,
giving her the chance to do the same..
walking in the energetic train,
of love so deep,
now lost,
tears of joy,
being grateful for all elements,
humbled by adversity
trying force me to grow up at age 26,
i know my fate,
the destiny i create,
painted canvas reflect my soul,
with open wings
waiting to embrace my heart
i am roshan from the blue skies,
excellent and thorough in what i do,
the hand that points a finger at me,
has four fingers pointing
right back at you 
now that I have said my say
let me be to live my life