It Is Easy Not To Stink of You
Everything in this m----r f-----g apartment has the stink of you
A stench that reminds me never to think of you
For were I to dwell on the past
I’d tell you how much time I knew our love wouldn’t last
And with extemporaneous and instantaneous reasoning I knew the causation as to why
Because how can it last when I laid the foundation of love with a lie?
Come here baby, into my arms
While I do everything to feignl my charms
No web needed I as does a spider dare to weave
I’d just make them all f-----g believe
Now I cant’s sit on that death difined chair
Which now is a seat for only foul air
Because it reeks with the acrid odor of you and your body divine
A body that left its stench here although you’re no longer mine
The bed, the mattress, the night stand too
All of this s--t stinks just like you
And listen to me with both ears my ex-honey
To rid this place of your f-----g odor I’ll spend all kinds of money
© 2011.….free cee! Phreepoetree