Love Poem: It Rains in Scotland
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Written by: Manya Saxena

It Rains in Scotland

When it rains in Scotland, 
It reminds me of home. 
I see the scattered raindrops
making their way down the
window, if it were home, they 
would graciously enter in. 

When it rains in Scotland,
It takes me back to that 
August afternoon 3 years back,
the raindrops danced at the tune
of love, it wasn’t home but it
felt like one. 

When it rains in Scotland, 
It reminds me of that cold
cold February 1436 km 
between us. We usually have 
distance but this time our hearts
felt apart. 

When it rains in Scotland,
I find myself deep in thought,
thoughts of you, us; when we 
were together. I find myself 
singing about you, us; now that
we are 3200 km apart. 

When it rains in Scotland, 
I often go back to the time 
I sat in the cafeteria, trying to
eat my feelings. I go back to 
him, he sat next to me, helped 
me gulp down my sorrows. 

When it rains in Scotland,
I look back perturbed and 
find an unrecognizable version
of my desolate self – staring in 
the abyss.  

When it rains in Scotland, 
I am reminded that even in the
Coldest of the weather, there
Is a warm heart, beating, enduring,
Resisting; living.