It Started As a First Date
It started off amiable
The exchange always amicable
They had a first date t’was unavoidable
Opted for a light lunch truly delectable
Somehow the conversation got questionable
His stories grew somewhat unbelievable
Tall tales quickly became inconceivable
She started finding him reprehensible
Highly doubted they were compatible
Pictured herself as becoming rather unavailable
But the twinkle in his eye was ultra lovable
She began wondering why his intentions seemed illegible
Suspected it was a front impregnable
Yet his heart deep down might be really valuable
After all it might not be so inaccessible
That gem inside might be attainable
So a little patience might be desirable
Because he wasn’t that detestable
There was a little something so adorable
Eventually things changed and became quite bearable
And then even pretty enjoyable
So much so she decided to make this bachelor ineligible
A ring soon made their commitment palpable
Now their love has become infallible
And married life is incomparable
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on February 22, 2018 for contest BEST RHYMING POEM SO FAR THIS YEAR sponsored by JOHN HAMILTON