It Was Love
Juvenile the age
We got together;
Nature drew us by means
Of attraction, allurement, touch;
Got closer and closer,
And finally cohered;
Yet far from 'love',
Dreamed together live for life;
We were sexy for each other,
Quenching lust was our aim;
Don't blame none,
As was nature's law,
Enticing us to bring new life;
When kids were born,
We lived for them,
And only kids in mind;
Yet slowly slowly
In heading ripe age,
Without our notice,
Tender yearn evolving 'love';
Sunder was painful,
Togetherness was all;
She lived for me,
I lived for her;
Her feelings mine,
And my feelings hers;
It was 'love',
She knew my taste,
And I knew hers;
Tone of our pulse rate,
Was in same tune;
It was 'love',
Evolved from body to soul;
© Sadashivan Nair