Love Poem: It Was Nineseventeenpm

It Was Nineseventeenpm

It was-
nineseventeenPM on sunday
and I had been checking on you all day
but this time something was
   your breathing had slowed
not long now, I thought

     but the night dragged on
and still you stayed
oh, what a fighter ... what a will to live
what a strong heart you had

           I sat beside you
hoping my being there was a comfort
oh was that a purr
   so faint
will remember that forever
I told you how much I loved you
(did you hear, my beauty)

it was nineseventeenPM when I knew
that there would be no tomorrows
   no sweet meows ever
no cuddles at night under the covers
       it was just a matter of time

I held you in my arms in that last moment 
          and felt your life leave
and I held you and HELD you
till the birds sang of dawn
and all the while I sang you a lullaby
                                          over and over

I buried you-
in your favorite garden place, my beauty
               now rest in peace
for you suffering is over and you have flown away
                          to Heaven

I am shattered, broken in a million pieces
   oh why do these little creatures
come and take a piece of us
when they die
why . . .  and all I do is cry

June 21, 2018

Poetry/Free Verse/It Was NineseventeenPM
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