Itachi's Immortal
Itachi’s immortal
He turned his life into a burning hell
For him…
He made his little brother hate him
To become strong
Although he did not do something wrong
I can’t explain his love
I can’t imagine the pain he has to go through
He made contracts, he killed people, He took lives
For him, just for him…his little brother
Itachi planned it from all along
Sasuke thought he was trying to kill him
Sasuke lived three years with hatred being his guide
Grew strong, but not strong enough to kill him
Itachi loved his brother so much, made him hate him
For the love that was impossible to last
Itachi allowed him to take his life;
Not explaining his actions, but following his heart
Itachi was a good man, after all I thought he was bad
Gave his little brother the powerful Amaterasu
To protect him, just for that
Sasuke heard the story, knew Itachi’s hell
Tears falling from his eyes asking…..Why!!!