It's a Pleasure To Really Know Jesus
It's A Pleasure to Really KNOW Jesus!
Often people get in trouble for deviant activity.
This often shortens their life's longevity!
As people strive or pleasure in so many things...
They don't think of the heartache this often brings!
Many seek pleasures, but are never fulfilled!
Often becoming self centered, and stubborn willed!
The "excitement" they want, doesn't last very long.
Soon, they don't know where they really belong!
If it's the thrills and joys of life, you've been spending...
Isn't it about time, that you just stop "pretending?"
The pleasure many want will NEVER be there!
Is anyone really listening? Does anyone care?
If it's pleasure many want... Look no more!
We are what Christ' love is really meant for!
Jesus Christ gives the best pleasure we'll find!
He's faithful, honest, graceful and most kind!
Isn't if about time, you let him turn you around?
And let him put your life on a solid ground?
He can do it now! By the power of his shed blood!
And truly bless your life! From heaven above!
I'm so thankful to him, for the joy he brings!
He is God! And can provide ANYTHING!
By Jim Pemberton