It's All Good: Echo Poem 9-Th
Poet's Notes:
My poet's notes must precede the next Echo Poem as well because the poet
has not given me permission to publish her poems on my site. I can, of course,
reference her poems without restriction. So the TH in the title here is short for
Treasure Hunt. To really enjoy my poem to the full (although it does stand
alone as well), I suggest you read Lora Colon's Poem called 'In Your Shadow'
on first. PH is a great site as well and I publish both
The Fragrance of Love's Faded Flowers
The fragrance of Love's faded flow'rs,
Only grows weaker through the years,
Still sweet, somehow it never sours,
In spite of our most bitter tears.
Love always leaves a hole behind,
And its blazing brand on our heart,
Our ego left with thoughts unkind,
Creates blemishes on our art.
Good news! A vacuum once extant,
By all of nature is abhorred,
Seems to invite flowers distant,
To come where they won't be ignored.
Pretend you're immune to love's slight,
You'll find that it sweetens the air,
And shadows can't live in the light,
So spend lots of quiet time there.
Don't visualize life in the slums,
‘Cause whether you're giant or elf,
The key to most of life's problems,
Is just simply loving yourself.
Just one more thing that could help you,
It's certainly helped me before,
To know you're saved by God's Grace too,
And this is no slick metaphor.
Brian Johnston
June 23, 2014